Sound, Media and Video ministry

Our Audio & Video Ministry is passionate about spreading the gospel and counsel of God to believers and to the lost. This ministry operates and maintains our sound & video systems that are associated with the production and duplication of the audio & video media used by the Horizon Christian Church. The Audio & Video Ministry endeavors to provide the best possible audio and video technical support to ministry areas through attentiveness, technical knowledge, and an keen awareness of other ministry goals.

Praise & Worship

The Praise & Worship Team ministry at the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church exists to minister to the Lord through praise and worship, to encourage and lead the congregation into the manifest presence of the Lord, and to facilitate and create an atmosphere where the presence of the Lord can dwell in preparation for the hearing of God’s Holy Word. 


The Music Ministry at the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church is dedicated to ministering unto the Lord and others through the ministry of music. These minstrels of God are graced by God to bring us into the presence of God as they play unto the Lord while the Lord plays them. Also, The Music Ministry is to inspire, encourage, train, and direct those whom God has called into the music ministry with a spirit of service, excellence, sensitivity, purity and humility.

Ushers & Greeters

The Usher & Greeter at Ministry of Divine Purpose Church are to provide assistance and direction during service, so that there is a peaceful and orderly atmosphere in which the Lord can move in our worship service. The Porter’s Ministry is to watch, pray and assist the Pastor with maintaining order in the church throughout the worship service. They greet the people with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and direct them to a comfortable seat.

Parking Lot

The Ministry of Divine Purpose Church Parking Lot Ministry is a ministry that doesn’t just park cars. It indeed is a ministry, that believes everyone is important and special. The members of the Parking Lot Ministry serve out in inclement weather as unto the Lord and they’re committed to loving people. The goal of the Parking Lot Ministry is to physically and spiritually minister to the needs of every person who comes on the grounds of Ministry of Divine Purpose Church. They pray, park and greet members and guests with a smile allowing them to enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with Praise.

SWAT-(Soul Winning Action Team)

The “Soul Winning Action Team” Ministry of Divine Purpose Church has a passion for reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. It’s the Ministry of Reconciliation, which is “bringing people to God through Jesus Christ”. The S.W.A.T. Ministry’s primary mission is to go beyond the four walls of our Church to reach our community for the Salvation of souls. The Bible teaches us that “He that winneth souls is wise” (Proverb 11:30) so by the leading of the Spirit & the wisdom of God we are bringing people to God through Jesus Christ.

Unseen Hands

The Unseen Hands ministry at the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church is a “behind the scenes” ministry that exemplifies the heart of a servant by serving the Lord and others in providing maintenance and clean-up of the Church. These self-less servants are an important & integral part of the ministry of our church, using their talents and gifts of service to glorify God.

Men of Divine Purpose

The Men of Divine Purpose ministry is comprised of all the men of the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church and it exists to minister to the needs of the “total man” (spirit, soul and body). It also exists to minister to men related issues, concerns and challenges that men encounter on a daily basis and by God’s Spirit men are empowered to overcome these challenges and become everything God has called and ordained for them to become and do everything God has ordained for them to do in life and in ministry. Lastly, It’s an opportunity for “Iron to sharpen iron as a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” (Prov 27:17) Men are able to sharpen one another, glean from one another and grow through our experiences. 

Women of Divine Purpose

The Women of Divine Purpose ministry are comprised of all the women of the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church and it exists by the help of the Holy Spirit to minister to the needs of every women in every area of their lives. It also exists to address women related issues, concerns and challenges that women encounter on a daily basis and by God’s Spirit women are empowered to overcome these challenges and become everything God has called and ordained for them to become and do everything God has ordained for them to do in life and in ministry. In this ministry women are able to fellowship and share their experiences and grow spiritually and grow from one another. 

Nursing Home Ministry

The Nursing Home Ministry at Ministry of Divine Purpose Church consist of Leaders and Ministers of Ministry of Divine Purpose, who go into the Nursing homes and speak the word of God to individuals who cannot physically come to the church house, The word of God says that we are the Church and these are the one that take the church to others .

Childrens Church

The Children’s Church Ministry at Ministry of Divine Purpose Church is to empower, equip, and activate children to advance the Kingdom of God. It’s our heart that they come to know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him. Children learn to know Him (Jesus Christ) through the Word of God taught to them on their level, they encounter Him through His presence, and adore Him through a life surrendered to Him.

SWAPP-(Singles With A Planned Purpose)

The SWAPP Ministry at Ministry of Divine Purpose Church is to empower, equip, and activate Singles to advance the Kingdom of God. It’s our heart that they come to know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him. This Ministry shows that you can be single saved and living a life pleasing to God.


The TeeNation Ministry at Ministry of Divine Purpose Church is to empower, equip, and activate Teens to advance the Kingdom of God. It’s our heart that they come to know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him. Our Teens learn to know Him (Jesus Christ) through the Word of God taught to them on their level, they encounter Him through His presence, and adore Him through a life surrendered to Him. TeeNation is showing our teens that you can be cool, saved and be an example to your friends in school by living a saved life for God.

MODP Marriage Enrichment

The MODP Marriage Enrichment are comprised of all the Married couples of the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church and it exists by the help of the Holy Spirit to minister to the needs of each married couple in every area of their lives. It also exists to address Marriage related issues, concerns and challenges that Married couples encounter on a daily basis and by God’s Spirit Marriages are empowered to overcome these challenges and become everything God has called and ordained for them to become and do everything God has ordained for them to do in life and in ministry. In this ministry couples are able to fellowship and share their experiences and grow spiritually and grow from one another. This is all amazing information and experiences that is lead by our very own
Pastors Mark and Nevador Beach who have 15+ years of experience. 
Proverbs 18:22 says: Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord. We here at MODP continue to strive to activate strong relationships with husbands and wives 


The Dance ministry at the Ministry of Divine Purpose Church exists to minister to the Lord through Dance, to encourage and lead the congregation into the manifest presence of the Lord, and to facilitate and create an atmosphere where the presence of the Lord can dwell. 
Psalm 149:3 Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre! 

Drive-Thru Prayer

This is a weekly ministry that gives the community at large to come and receive prayer without leaving there cars.