Welcome To
Ministry of Divine Purpose

Drive- Thru Prayer Ministry

Checkout some of the pics from our weekly drive thru prayer ministry.

The Vision Statement

“To reach, teach and bring into spiritual maturity those which are distressed discontented, and in debt, with Bible Truth, Discipleship, and Outreach. We are a Word Lived, Spirit-Filled, and Spirit-Led Church. We serve as a Resource Center for the Church and Community alike.”
Matthew 28:18-20
1 Samuel 22:2
John 17:17
“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that Prevails” (Proverbs 19:21) NIV


The history of the Ministry of Divine Purpose is a testimony to the grace and love of God. Ministry of Divine Purpose has been a beacon of light and a pillar of hope. Many Men, Women, and Children have been and continue to be touched by this ministry of God.
 Elder’s Mark and Nevador Beach gave birth to a ministry that was conceived and ordained by God to reach those that are discontent, distressed and in debt (not just financially, but also in debt to the enemy). This ministry later called “Ministry of Divine Purpose was launched in the couples Living room in January 2012 and transitioned to the current building in January 2013. Ministry of Divine Purpose (MODP) is a Word Based, Spirit Filled, Spirit Led, and Nondenominational Church. This Ministry is under the covering/ LEADERSHIP of Apostle Nate and Pastor Valerie Holcomb of Christian House of Prayer, Cathedral of Central Texas. MODP is a church for all people, from all directions, and from all nations. This Ministry is here to help you find your God-given purpose (True Identity), not to enforce nor endorse who man says you are or aren’t! (Proverbs 19:21 NIV).

The Three Callings of God  
Heavenly Call: Salvation…………….... Hebrews 3:1-2
Holy Call: Sanctification……………… 2 Timothy 1:9
High Call: Sonship……………………. Philippians 3:14